Monday 1 August 2011

Head-banging and Hugs

Today was a day of two halves.

My Grade 8 mathematics pupils who I believed were good at ratios suddenly decided to get completely confused when I moved from questions such as "Divide 80 matches in the ratio 1:2:5" onto ones such as "Red paint and blue paint is mixed in the ratio 2:5.   I have 8 litres of red paint.  How much blue paint do I need so as I have no unmixed paint left over?"
This is slightly worrying as, based on my assessment that they were understanding ratios, they have been given an assignment that counts towards their grade for the year.  I am planning on continuing with similar questions tomorrow to help them as much as possible, as well as offering to do an extra after-school session where they can drop in and ask any questions about the assignment that they have before they hand it in the next morning.   (To be fair, I was already planning on doing a Grade 12 revision session, but will tell the Grade 8 pupils where it is and to come and find me if they want help)

Later in the day, I was told by one of my Grade 8 Natural Sciences (think Physics, Chemistry and a bit more...) pupils that I should definitely become a full-time teach as I would be, and I quote, 'the best teacher in the entire world'.  I was fairly touched but also moderately confused by this comment as I have only taught their class for one half-hour period and to be frank I did not teach it at all well!  The only problem with this pupil is that they want to get me some sort of present, which I do not really wish to accept as I think most of the pupils at the school have next-to-nothing themselves.  I have been advised to tell them to make me a card or draw me a picture as it will not cost them anything and will make me feel special.  I was also asked by another pupil when I would be teaching them.  I told the pupil that unfortunately I would not be teaching them, and they looked so disappointed!

Better be off now - just got back from a short 20min run (at 5750ft) and kinda need a shower!

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