Thursday 18 August 2011

A Hard Day

Thursdays are always difficult for me due to timetabling.  I am supposed to teach 6 periods of Grade 8 lessons before lunch, then help with 5 periods after lunch and then help at a Grade 12 revision session.

Unfortunately, today was the day that the mathematics department was getting externally moderated, so all the teachers (or educators as they call themselves) from the maths department had to remain in the staff room all day.

Guess who had to cover their lessons?

In total I taught all 11 half hour periods today (5 without planning), followed by helping in a 45 minute revision class, which I think is what anyone would consider a fairly busy day!

Better be off now - dinner is almost ready and I've got to go try and warm up before we freeze (we ran out of gas last night so there is almost no heating!)

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