Tuesday 23 August 2011

A Better Day

Today was considerably better compared to yesterday.  Firstly, I do not have 5 hours of marking to do, and secondly I realised that one of my favourite kids in one of my Grade 8 classes was the one who got the best mark in the entire class.  He is one of my favourites as he always engages with the work, volunteers to answer questions and does all the work on time and correctly.  I am currently considering recommending him for IGGY (The International Gateway for Gifted Youth), yet he is new to the school so I cannot look at his previous grades to fully assess him before recommendation.

In other news, one of the kids asked me for additional help on a topic, so I volunteered to make them a worksheet that helps them and gives them some questions to do to reinforce their skills.

Better be off now - got lesson planning to do and worksheets to make!

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