Friday 26 August 2011

A Class of Two Halves

Firstly, I would like to apologise for the lack of an update yesterday, but Johnny was leaving and we went to Moyo's for dinner and cocktails to say goodbye!

Today was a day of two halves.  Simultaneously.  Each of my classes was easily split into two distinct halves, the half who wanted to learn and paid attention to everything I said, and the half who did not and ended up throwing water bombs and running out of the classroom.  As I've said before, my crowd control is appalling, which is my biggest weakness when it comes to teaching, so I kind of just shrugged it off and just continued teaching the rest of the class who wanted to learn.

Tonight we have a talk with some South African Warwick alumni to try and fundraise for Warwick in Africa.

Better be off now - we are getting picked up soon and I need to go get ready!

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