Friday 5 August 2011


Today was fairly annoying, I spent 3 hours planning lessons last night, only to find that pretty much all three classes were cancelled.

The first was cancelled due to an extended assembly led by a preacher.  The singing and prayers I didn't mind too much, but when he said that if they were to take anything from that year at school it was that accepting Jesus would lead you to happiness and salvation.  The funniest part was when he claimed that Jesus was returning shortly.  Then went onto claim that the dead who had faith would rise again and walk the Earth.  I interpreted this as: "Zombies are coming. Run for your lives!" and had to restrain myself otherwise I would have burst out laughing!

The second, I had to cancel my original plan upon realising that nobody had any idea of how to calculate percentages from fractions.  Even when I did teach it to them, then pointed out to them that two percentages (that together cover the entire set) add up to 100%, I was still getting answers like 187% of the group are boys, 912% are girls.  WHY?!?

The third lesson was cancelled as, where it was a non-school uniform day (except for the teachers who had to where the standard school uniform) and this lesson was scheduled to be last, by the point I was supposed to teach it, the teachers had lost control of all classes so decided to call school out.

I've now got a 4-day weekend where we are heading off on safari so might not have internet for a day or two.

Better be off now - time to have so drinks by the pool!

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