Tuesday 16 August 2011

An Exchange of Ideas

I've now given three of the classes I teach the same worksheet and, based on the marks I am seeing from some of them, I think it has been fairly successful.  Although it was a fairly easy sheet (they got 20% just for writing the same thing over and over again), I was pleasantly surprised by the numbers of people getting over 75%, easily a good 25% of the students!  On the other hand, quite a few people barely made the 20% that was pretty much "free", so I really don't know what to take from this.  For most of my classes, this worksheet is almost the end of the chapter, with an assessed homework and a little more on applications of ratios to go, I should be finished by the end of this week or early next week.

On Sunday, we visited the rooftop market in Rosebank, which was quite interesting, I've got a few presents for people, as well as a Djembe (an African drum) and a hand-carved wooden letter-opened for myself.  To be honest, I could have bought a lot more, including a carved giraffe that was taller than myself, but I resisted the urge when I realised how expensive it was and how difficult it would have been to take on a plane!

The power-cut last night was quite fun, although I hope it's the last one we have!  It lasted from 3-ish in the afternoon to almost 9 at night, which made lesson planning and marking work quite difficult to say the least!  We tried going out for dinner (as they couldn't give us anything hot at the guest house), hoping it would be back on when we got back.  Since it didn't we ended up borrowing candles and matches from the neighbours which gave the place quite and interesting atmosphere to say the least!

Better be off now - got quite a bit of marking to do before this evening!

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