Wednesday 17 August 2011

*Insert Loud Scream Here*

Just to give an update to the potential cheating situation yesterday, I put an example on the board and, as planned asked the class for the answer, expecting (if they had indeed cheated) the answer would be very slow in coming, or be wrong.  Unexpectedly, they managed to answer it correctly and very quickly, lending support to the argument that most of the class are very intelligent, except for one or two pupils who had failed to pay attention.  I will monitor the situation further, as I still believe it is suspicious for so many pupils to do so well on a worksheet.

One of my other classes today however, clearly fall into the 'not-so-intelligent' category as, although I put several examples on the blackboard and got no response when I asked if there were any questions, I repeatedly got asked whilst walking around to explain what I had on the board.  The most annoying thing, that almost made me scream at how stupid they were, was a pair of girls who repeatedly failed to see that 2/3 of 60 is the same as 2/3 times 60 although I kept pointing at the line above which said 3/4 of 80 is the same as 3/4 times 80.  The amount of times they gave me things such as 78 times 4109 honestly made me get to the stage when I was getting slightly annoyed at them for not seeing that they were going considerably wrong.

Better be off now - it's dinner time!

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