Wednesday 3 August 2011

Let's Sing the Grade 8 Classes that I Teach Song - A, B, G, H, J...

Today was a lot better than yesterday - I marked my Grade 8 assessed assignment amongst other things.

Out of the 24 pupils who submitted their assignment, only 2 got a zero, whilst 3 got over 60%!  Taking the school's requirement that pupils must get 30% in mathematics to pass the year, 64% of my class passed!  And this is a topic I taught them!

In other news, I finally sorted out my timetable, however my skills with teaching Ratios have become legendary so I'm teaching them to 3 more Grade 8 classes from tomorrow onwards...

This now means that I'm teaching or assisting with 8 different classes and pretty much have back-to-back lessons from 8am to 3pm everyday!

Better be off now, got some lesson planning to do...

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