Monday 22 August 2011


Firstly, apologies for the lack of updates over the weekend, we had another power outage that lasted from late on Friday through to Saturday night.

Over the weekend, we ended up going to the African Buffet on Nelson Mandela Square (which is part of the massive mall that is close to us) with Mary, Patrick and Patrick's two teenage sons.  Mary and Patrick are the people at Warwick who pretty much founded Warwick in Africa, in fact, Patrick contributed the donation that allowed the first pilot scheme to run.
The buffet was a fairly interesting experience.  I ate some ostrich meat, which is surprisingly tender and had an exceptionally long conversation with Patrick about some of the flaws with Warwick in Africa (such as not targeting Grade 7 and below) and just life in general.

On Sunday, we went to the Lion Park which, unlike the Safari did indeed have fences, offered some spectacular photos of the animals (including Cheetahs!) as well as giving us the opportunity to pet lion cubs.

Petting a Lion Cub

At school today, I set my Grade 8s a test on graphs, and to discourage copying, made 4 separate copies with different numbers on them so, even if they tried to copy their neighbours, they would get the wrong answers.  I'll give a bit of an update regarding how this worked when I've marked the tests (as well as the other piles of marking and lesson planning I have to do!)

Better be off now - got 50 tests, 90 books and 100 assignments to mark, all before dinner!

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