Wednesday, 24 August 2011

No Water, No School

We finished at lunchtime today as Kwabhekilanga ran out of water.  To be fair, it is a valid excuse as it meant that no toilets would flush, and there was nowhere to get water, yet it seems such a petty (and fairly regular) thing to disrupt a day of education over.  I'm not sure why or how they ran out of water, but the problem seemed to affect 3 out of the 5 schools in Alex that Warwick in Africa is teaching at.  This suggests that it is a problem with the mains supply, but according to people whose supply was interrupted the other day, it seems to only last the one day, so it is clearly not something major.

In the lessons I did have today, the pupils impressed me somewhat, although I did have to almost shout at one of my classes who were chatting whilst I was doing examples of the sorts of questions that would be appearing on the homework I was setting them at the end of that lesson.  I basically ended up telling them that they could either pay attention and get decent marks on their homework, or continue chatting, ignore my examples and utterly fail the homework (which contributes to their overall grade for the year, and could influence whether or not they have to repeat the year) which seemed to work as they quickly shut up!

Better be off now - got to go plan lessons by the pool...

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