Thursday 4 August 2011

Newsflash: Teacher Stays in Room, Takes Notes to Improve

Today I had an incredible "Eureka!" moment (minus the jumping out of the bath and running through the streets of Ancient Greece naked...) - the Grade 8 teacher whose classes I started yesterday and this morning stayed in the ones I did on ratios as they were not sure how to teach it best themselves.  From what I could tell they were taking notes on how I was teaching the subject (and hopefully they will use it in the future to teach better in the future)!  To be fair, in the course of two sets of double periods (about 2 hours in total), I managed to teach half of a topic that should take a good two weeks or so, thus putting them almost back on track for their planned topic timetable.  The most incredible thing is that the kids (appear to) understand it!  Out of the ones I looked at as I was walking around, over half were using the method I had taught them and were getting the right answers, whilst many of the rest just had small mistakes in their understanding of the method (which I rectified).

In my Grade 8 class who had been doing assessed assignments, the teacher decided that the ones who got less than 50% would have to do another assessed assignment to make up for their poor mark.  Nothing wrong with that, I hear you say.  You are wrong.  It's another copy of the same assignment.  Which I have marked.  And given answers to.  Sigh.

Better be off now - dinner has just been served and it smells gooood...

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