Saturday 13 August 2011

Handouts and Casinos

On Thursday night, I spent a great deal of time planning a lesson on percentages for Grade 8G and a worksheet on exchange rates for Grade 8B.  Due to a silly mistake on Friday, this turned out to be in vain as, without realising it, I taught the lesson on percentages to 8B, who had covered them a week or so ago, and gave the worksheet on exchange rates to 8G, who had never seen anything like it before.  Thankfully, the example I gave on the worksheet was good enough that 8G appeared to manage to do the worksheet fairly successfully (I'll post an update when I have marked it!).

Yesterday evening, we went to a proper casino and played some table games.  Unfortunately, although I am a mathematician, I absolutely suck at them and ended up losing R170 over the entire night (about £15), which was the limit I had set myself anyway.

Today we are heading to see some people our contact at the University of Witwatersrand knows, who will tell us of their experiences of apartheid and we've been told that each one will also expect us to eat enough food for a week.  And there are quite a few people we are visiting!

Better be off now - we're leaving in 10 minutes or so and I've got to have a little toast to prepare myself for all the food later!

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