Wednesday 27 July 2011

A Mild Sense of Panic

Well today was interesting! I went to school thinking "I wonder what I'll be doing today?" - my question was answered 5 minutes before the first lesson of the day when I was casually told that the teacher I was assisting was absent and that I was expected to cover all of his lessons.  Without preperation.  Or knowing what they were supposed to be doing.
Needless to say it didn't go fantastically - imagine having 30+ kids staring at you as you try to guess what they were supposed to study on that day and then teach that in a way that they will understand.  Then multiply that by 5 (the number of classes I had).  Then throw in an arguement with another teacher about which lesson a class was supposed to be having (although I could prove I was right using my timetable, he still made me finish early so he could teach).  Then throw in a class that were supposed to be moving onto a chemisty-based chapter with experiments that you had no idea where the equipment was or whether it even existed at all!  Then you get close to how my day was.
To stop this happening again, I'm "half-planning" lessons for everyone tomorrow!  Any suggestions on how to make trigonometric identities fun for Grades 10 and 11?

Better be off now - my laptop has decided it hates connecting to the internet, so I'm using someone else's and they look as though they want to do some work on it!

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