Monday 25 July 2011

Being on the BBC and an Introduction to Alex

Today we headed out for our first day in our schools in Alex.  Supposedly we were all supposed to be in our schools by 11-ish, but being the most photogenic group (naturally), we were chosen by the BBC to be filmed entering our schools for the first time.  For those who don't know, a 'school entry' sequence takes about 45 minutes to film. And there were 5 different schools.  Needless to say, it was much later than 11 o'clock by the time we'd reached KwaBhekilanga (my school) - try closer to 1330!
First impressions of the school were fairly positive.  The kids seem nice, teachers are alright and the school even has a (basic) computer lab.  Timetables are fairly manic though!  Each day starts at 0800 and runs until 1415, split into 11 periods of 30mins each.  From my timetable (or the one I'm assuming I'm supposed to follow) I've got two Grade 11, one Grade 10 and one Grade 8 Mathematics class and one Grade 8 Natural Sciences class. Rooms are fairly basic (I say rooms, plural, as the teachers move to the kids, not vica verca), some have three to a table or two to a chair!
Slightly freaky fact: The school is made of the same brick as my secondary school - I wonder what conclusions can be taken from that!
KwaBhekilanga Secondary School

Better be going now - lots to do tomorrow!

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