Sunday 24 July 2011

Arrivals and Warpaint (Courtesy of the BBC)

First reflections on South Africa, and Johannesburg in particular, is that it appears to be a country of two halves. Our accommodation is a guest house in the same neighbourhood as Nelson Mandela himself (who turned 93 a few days ago), however this itself highlights the difference.  I'm staying in a gated community that locks at 10pm, behind another 10ft high perimeter wall for the guest house itself.  Yet tomorrow I'm heading into the townships to teach maths (and possibly more) to children who have so little.  It really makes you reflect.
I'm not complaining about our accommodation though, I understand why we have to stay here, yet when you walk out of the block we've taken over and see a splash of paradise it really makes you think.
Our Guest House Garden
This difference was also highlighted in the mall we went to for lunch with BBC Worldwide (who are filming us for a documentary), we took over the upper floor of a restaurant and had a lovely 4+ course meal and got out faces painted with African tribal patterns.
Team Alex
That's pretty much all for now.  Better go prepare for teaching tomorrow!

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